3 Tips For Picking The Right Wedding Band

Many women spend a lot of time thinking about what they want their engagement rings to look like. Unfortunately, this same amount of time isn't spent thinking about the right wedding band. Since you will be wearing both your engagement ring and wedding band on a daily basis, they need to complement one another. Here are three tips that you can use to ensure you pick the right wedding band to celebrate your union. Read More 

Fair And Square Cut Diamonds: Dividing Up Heirloom Jewelry Fairly

Heirlooms are inherited, which means that they are the one piece of fine jewelry you can receive and never have to worry about paying for. If you are going over the estate of a relative and there is no direction for who gets heirloom jewelry, dividing up the jewelry is now a job for the estate executor and those who are inheriting from the estate. If you want to split up heirlooms in a no muss, no fuss manner that is fair for everyone, here is exactly how you can divvy up the gems of the estate. Read More 

Nice Things About A Gold Malachite Ring

If you're looking for the right ring, then the whole ring shopping experience can be so overwhelming. This can especially be the case if you don't have a style already in mind for the type of ring you want. Instead of looking at everything and continuing to stress yourself out, consider checking into gold malachite rings. You may find that you have discovered a whole new type of beautiful jewelry. You can learn more about gold malachite rings and why so many other people appreciate them when you continue reading this article on them. Read More 

Learn More About Selling Jewelry Online As A Business

Are you interested in selling jewelry? Do you like the idea of getting into selling jewelry, but you aren't sure about opening an actual storefront? Have you always thought that selling things online would be something that you would be interested in? Do you want to sell jewelry, but you are limited on the cash and resources you have at your disposal? If you have answered 'yes' to one or more of these questions, then you should think about hiring a website design service to design you a jewelry website and get you started with selling jewelry online. Read More