Essential Diamond Care Tips

Your diamonds might be your best friend, but make sure to treat them like good friends by taking great care of them. There are many things that can dull a diamond, that can cause damage, or that can cause you to lose your diamond. Store Carefully When storing your diamond jewelry, do not place it against other jewelry because you will cause scratches. One of the best ways to store your jewelry is to place it in a fabric-lined jewelry case. Read More 

Two Steps For Choosing A Diamond Engagement Ring Perfect For Your Future Fiance

If you are planning to propose to your partner, then you likely know that women today still expect men to have diamond engagement rings in hand when they propose. However, there are so many types of diamond rings that you may be overwhelmed by all of your options. While many men simply let their future fiance's choose their own engagement rings, women do still love being surprised with rings their partners pick out all on their own. Read More